• Question: Are any scientists religious?

    Asked by hazzahippo to Jasmine, Alexis, Dr D, Helen, Mario on 18 Jun 2013. This question was also asked by ninanoo.
    • Photo: Jasmine Penny

      Jasmine Penny answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      What an interesting question! There have always been debates between Science and Religion and will probably be for years to come. I think it is down to the individual, I personally am not very religious but I think a scientist can have religious beliefs.

    • Photo: Helen Tunbridge

      Helen Tunbridge answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Oh absolutely, there seems to be a misunderstanding that scientists aren’t religious and people who have faith don’t believe a lot of scientific theory. I think people who believe the creation story are unlikely to believe in evolution, but some evolutionists still believe that god was needed to start the whole chain of events.
      I think there is some evidence (somewhere, not sure I could find it again!) that suggests that the more education a person has (most scientists have gone through a lot of education to get where they are!), the less likely they are to believe in a god, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t very educated, high-up scientists who aren’t religious!!

    • Photo: Andrew Devitt

      Andrew Devitt answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Lots of them. I suppose that many people in science realise that there’s so much that we don’t understand that there must be ‘more’. I would bet that as we learn more and more from our research, there’ll be fewer religious scientists.

      Certainly Charles Darwin and the church didn’t see eye to eye!
