• Question: Do you use a microscope to see cells die?

    Asked by arsenal2354 to Dr D on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Andrew Devitt

      Andrew Devitt answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      I do. I’ve a few different ones.

      We use a cheap and cheerful one to look at cells when they are growing and when they are dying. This shows us the cells at about a 200x magnification. But if we want to do so great pictures with real close up, we use my all singing all dancing fully motorised microscope made by Zeiss. This one will also keep the cells warm while they are dying. And then will take pictures whenever we ask it to….even when we’re at home asleep!

      Our microscopes will also look at fluorescence too so if we make the cells bright green, we can see that too
