• Question: What is the best pet you have ever had?

    Asked by johnathonile123 to Alexis, Dr D, Helen, Jasmine, Mario on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Alexis Barr

      Alexis Barr answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      I had a hamster called Sidney when I was about 11. She was great and lots of fun. The sad things is that hamsters don’t live for very long so I only had her for three years.

    • Photo: Jasmine Penny

      Jasmine Penny answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      I have had lots of pets and they have been brilliant in different ways. I have had dogs, rabbits, a hamster, fish and birds. I loved them all very much and I think it is too hard to choose a favourite!

    • Photo: Andrew Devitt

      Andrew Devitt answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      A dog called Alf. Got him from a cat’s home. Poor little devil, so confused.
