• Question: Would you still study your area of science if everyone around you told you it was a waste of time?

    Asked by bvbethington666 to Alexis, Dr D, Helen, Jasmine, Mario on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Jasmine Penny

      Jasmine Penny answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Nothing you do will ever be a waste of time! Even when experiments don’t work you can still learn something from what you did. A lot of really famous scientists have got where they are today by being persistent and not giving up. I think if you believe in it strongly enough you should go for it and find out what you want to know.

    • Photo: Andrew Devitt

      Andrew Devitt answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Ha ha ha ! Yes. People have told me that I should do different things but that’s only because they think they are right. It turns out that I think I’m right. As long as I can get money and people to work with me, then I’ll keep on going.

    • Photo: Alexis Barr

      Alexis Barr answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Scientists always debate whether something is worth doing and what is the best way to do it and they don’t always agree! It’s good to question why someone is researching a particular area because it makes people think more carefully about their research.
